I've become a little obsessed with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator lately. My friend posted a link the other night and I got curious so I took a questionnaire. It turns out I'm an ENFP (Extrovertion iNtuition Feeling Perceiving). Taking it a step further I had my husband take it and he happens to be an ISTJ (Introvertion Sensing Thinking Judging). If you didn't notice, that makes us complete, polar opposites.
As much as I'm not big on labeling people, I find this tool very helpful. It's not perfect, and no person fits into any of the 16 personality types like a glove, I'm sure. There are a lot of circumstances that come into play. But it helps me greatly to understand myself better, and also to have a better understanding of what makes my husband tick.
I found there are even questionnaires for kids. Rather than let my kids know what I was doing, I took what I know about them and filled the questions out myself, only asking them on things I wasn't sure about. These are only recommended for kids 7-12, so I only did my oldest two. The results say that my son is Introverted Intuitive and my daughter is Extroverted Sensing. None of this is a surprise, but again, opposites (which explains why they butt heads a lot). And what's fun is their personalities each have a bit of their dad and me.
Again, it's helpful to understand them a little bit better, and it furthers my belief that both of them are better suited in an unschooling environment than any other. Both need a lot of freedom, E to be alone, and A to express herself. Neither of their personalities would fit well in a classroom with a lot of structure and a lot of time sitting and being still. I'm so thankful that we have the opportunity to raise them in an environment where they are free to be themselves.
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